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Chinese Language Classes Begin in Saudi Middle School

Through the Chinese language classes, Saudi authorities hope to strengthen China-Saudi ties and grow a deep appreciation for Chinese culture.
Article Summary:
  • Chinese language classes have made their debut in select Saudi schools.
  • The classes are part of a 2023 agreement between Saudi Arabia and China to foster stronger economic ties between the two nations. Moreover, the program will create a deeper appreciation of each other’s cultures.
  • The program will eventually be rolled out across more schools in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia has taken a significant step by introducing Chinese language classes in its schools. The program, which marked its debut this academic year, targets primary and middle school students.

The program is part of a 2023 agreement between Saudi Arabia and China. The Saudi Ministry of Education, the Chinese Ministry of Education, and Tianjin Normal University are working together on the program. Under the partnership, Chinese teachers will facilitate classes in Mandarin.

This initiative is part of Saudi Arabia’s broader efforts to strengthen cultural and educational ties with China. Moreover, it aims to equip Saudis with valuable Chinese language skills and foster a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture.

Chinese language classes: A strategic move

Earlier, in August, 175 Chinese teachers arrived in Saudi Arabia to prepare for the program. The Ministry of Education conducted workshops to orient them about their responsibilities and introduce them to the Saudi learning system.

Aside from the introductory workshop, the education bureau also held field trips for the Chinese teachers. This allowed them to better understand Saudi Arabia’s rich heritage and culture.

The decision to introduce Chinese language classes is a strategic move by Saudi Arabia. It aligns with the Vision 2030 goal of diversifying the economy and reducing dependence on oil. With Chinese language skills, the country hopes to improve job prospects and unlock educational opportunities for young Saudis. The Ministry of Education also believes learning Chinese will open doors for students to pursue higher education in Chinese universities.

Positive feedback from parents and pupils

Parents, in particular, have welcomed the Chinese language initiative. Hanan Alharbi, a Saudi mother from Riyadh, shared her enthusiasm for the program. She believes it is an important step toward promoting global culture and providing students with new and useful skills.

More importantly, the program has already seen positive responses from students. Speaking to Xinhua News, Taim Mohamed Ekrema, a 12-year-old student at Al Waleed bin Ubadah Middle School, expressed his excitement. After years of studying Chinese online, he was finally attending his first in-person Chinese class. Many students also share Ekrema’s anticipation and eagerness to learn a new language and explore a different culture.

Strengthening Saudi-China ties

By introducing Chinese language classes, Saudi authorities hope to strengthen economic ties between Saudi Arabia and China. As China continues to play a significant role in the global economy, the ability to communicate in Chinese will be a valuable asset for young Saudis.

In addition to language skills, the program will help students develop a better appreciation for Chinese culture. Students will learn about Chinese traditions, history, and customs, which will help them appreciate the richness of Chinese civilization.

The Saudi Ministry of Education plans to gradually expand the program. It will at first be piloted in selected schools before being rolled out to more schools across the kingdom. It will eventually include Chinese language instruction up to the third secondary grade by 2029.

Image by wahyu_t on Freepik